Can I cancel or modify my order?
Once an order is placed, it cannot be canceled or changed. If you no longer wish to keep your order, you can return the parcel once it is delivered. For any changes, please place a new order and return the original one.
How do I return or exchange a product?
We accept returns within 20 days of delivery. If you want to exchange an item, place a new order and return the original product. Use a business delivery option as we cannot collect packages from parcel shops. Note that customers are responsible for return shipping costs.
When will I receive my refund?
Refunds will be processed within 14 days of receiving your return and will be credited to the original payment method unless otherwise arranged.
I received the wrong order or missing items.
If your order is incorrect or missing items, contact us at info@peasandgiggles.com with your order number and product details. We’ll investigate and resolve the issue.